Siberian Scientific Centre DNIT
The Siberian Scientific Center DNIT (SSC DNIT) was created to support scientific and engineering activities to solve urgent scientific, technical and socio-economic problems of the region, implement innovative programs for the development of human capital for key high-tech enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses, develop cooperation with the Russian and the International Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations.
The strategic goal is to create a regional center for the development of science and technology, to ensure sustainable dynamic development in the context of the formation of a new competitive model for promoting achievements in the field of advanced technologies of science-intensive and high-tech production through cooperation with advanced enterprises, innovative structures, the academic scientific community and leading domestic and foreign universities and partners.
Main directions of activity:
- development of scientific and engineering activities;
- solving urgent scientific, technical and socio-economic problems and problems;
- publication of a scientific journal;
- exchange of scientific and technical ideas and developments, promotion of the achievements of science and technology, production and professional experience, new technologies;
- development of cultural and educational activities, satisfaction of creative, professional, cultural, spiritual, social interests and needs of scientists, engineers and specialists.
In cooperation with the Krasnoyarsk Regional Science and Technology City Hall, we organize international and all-Russian scientific conferences and seminars on topical problems of the development of science and technology, industry, Industry 4.0, economics and humanitarian areas.
Our conferences and seminars are held in partnership with leading universities, research centers and industrial enterprises in Russia and abroad. Scientists and specialists from Russian and foreign universities, academic institutions, enterprises, design and research centers take part in our events.
Proceedings are published in foreign journals included in such international citation databases as Scopus and Web of Science.
We cooperate only with journals that have been verified by scientometric indicators and the relevance of indexing in citation databases.
Our team has created all the necessary conditions for comfortable and mutually beneficial cooperation.
We value your reputation, your scientific potential and your time.
We are open for cooperation
We are always open to partnerships in various activities. An individual approach to cooperation allows us to develop mutually beneficial relationships with each of the partners.
We are located in Krasnoyarsk - the administrative center of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia. It is the third largest city in Siberia after Novosibirsk and Omsk with a population of over 1,000,000.
The area is over 2 million square kilometers. Krasnoyarsk is a large industrial, cultural, economic and educational center.
Krasnoyarsk is one of the largest research centers in the country. The famous Krasnoyarsk Akademgorodok is located within the city. It consists of seven research institutes working in various fields
About us
ООО "Сибирский научный центр ДНИТ"
Адрес: 660049, г. Красноярск,
ул. Урицкого, 61, офис 101
Тел. 8 391 227-85-00
Мы находимся в самом центре города, на территории с развитой инфраструктурой, с собственной парковкой.

Профессор, доктор технических наук, почетный работник науки и техники РФ, Президент краевого Союза научных и инженерных общественных организаций, действительный член Российской инженерной академии, член-корреспондент Сибирской академии наук высшей школы

Работа с партнерами;
Размещение рекламы в здании;
Предоставление услуг по изготовлению рекламной полиграфии и сувенирной продукции для арендаторов.

Бронирование учебных аудиторий и конференц-залов на почасовую аренду;
Организация кофе-брейков.

Специальный проект Креативнй краеведческий коворкинг "Мини-музей Изобретений". Можно обращаться по вопросам:
- проведение экскурсионной программы для школьников (5-11 классы);
- организация экскурсий для жителей города. Мероприятие проходит ежемесячно, в первую пятницу каждого месяца. необходима предварительная регистрация;
- реализация совместных образовательных проектов на локации "Мини-музей Изобретений".
Специальный проект "Малая космическая одиссея". Можно обращаться по вопросам:
- участие в проекте;
- реализация совместных образовательных проектов / совместная коллаборация с проектом.