The journal IEM is included in the international database of open access journals Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

The scientific journal "Informatics. Economics. Management" is included in one of the most prestigious international bases of scientific journals - the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

The page of the electronic edition "Informatics. Economics. Management" is hosted on the DOAJ platform with metadata of indexed articles.

The DOAJ database includes journals that meet all modern international requirements that determine the high quality of scientific publications. Inclusion in the database is preceded by a thorough expert and screen analysis of the journal according to more than 50 different criteria that characterize a versatile assessment of the publishing process in terms of such parameters as editorial policy, the level of the editorial board, the transparency of the processes of receiving, reviewing and publishing articles, the availability of full texts of articles, protection copyright, scientific ethics policy, privacy and anti-plagiarism, as well as the transparency of the journal website.

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a database that offers free (free) full-text access to scientific and academic journals in electronic format in all modern areas of science and technology. The goal of the DOAJ journal database is to promote and popularize the rapidly growing number of open access scientific journals, as well as to increase the role of the international movement "Open Access Journals" and facilitate access to free electronic scientific and research journals.

Currently, the DOAJ database of open access journals includes 18,131 journals from 130 countries, which is about 40% of the total number of scientific journals published annually around the world. From Russian scientific journals, 547 publications are currently included in the DOAJ database.

According to official DOAJ statistics, more than 900,000 page views and 300,000 unique visitors from all over the world are recorded monthly.


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