Scientific sessions of ICEST-II

On May 19-21, 2021, face-to-face sessions of the II International Conference "Economic and Social Trends of Sustainable Development of Modern Society - ICEST-II-2021" were held.

On May 19, 2021 Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafieva held a Scientific session on education "A new look at education: trends, challenges, technological solutions." The section discussed issues of new challenges in upbringing: the search for a new theory of upbringing, analysis of problem areas of modern upbringing, the tasks of modern upbringing from the point of view of the parental community, the system of civil-patriotic upbringing.

Zafer Bekir, Editor-in-Chief of European Publisher, on May 19, 2021, at a webinar for participants, made a presentation and answered questions on the topic "What's new in Indexing and Abstracting Services?" It was about how to prepare and publish an article in a foreign publishing house, how modern indexing systems Scopus and Web of Science work. All webinar participants received an invitation to publish a free article in the European Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences published by European Publishing -

On May 20, 2021, a scientific session on education, HRM, ecology and social trends was held online at the Krasnoyarsk Regional House of Science and Technology (Sections: Sociocultural aspects of the transformation of modern cities. Pros and cons of megacities; Ecology, environmental protection and sustainable development; Management human resources for sustainable development), which was attended by teachers and scientists from Ufa, Novosibirsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Velikiye Luki, China and Bulgaria. The reports were devoted to educational activities in the context of a pandemic, new distance technologies widely used in educational organizations, the peculiarities of intercultural communication and teaching foreign languages, problems of family learning, the development of the research potential of schoolchildren and students, the formation of ethical norms of a new generation Z, the implementation of the national project "Demography ”, The formation of the image of Russia in the modern domestic and international space.

On May 21, 2021, a plenary session on economics and management of high-tech industries, a meeting of scientific sections on topical problems of economics and management, management of high-tech industries were held at the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation with the support of the Institute of Regional Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the UNESCO Chair of SUAI.
The rector of SUAI Yu.A. Antokhina greeted the participants at the plenary session. Of particularly interest was the report of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.G. Aganbekyan on the crisis of 2020-21 and the prospects for the transition to socio-economic growth. Problems of state management of scientific and technological development, strategies for the development of basic sectors of the economy, modern approaches to innovation and innovation, prospects for investment in innovation, environmental and economic aspects of science-intensive industries were discussed.

The conference became a platform for more than 500 participants who discussed topical issues of economics, education, human resource management, and ecology. More than 300 articles prepared by the conference participants will be published in the European Proceedings of Social and Behavioral Sciences with a subsequent direction for indexing in Scopus and Web of Science.
Conference materials, video reports, presentations and recordings of all events are posted on the conference website


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